[Copypasta] LCS sponsorships

I can’t wait to see TSM FTX take DIG QNTMPAY’s CISCO NEXUS after they win the GRUBHUB team fight and get a BUD LIGHT ACE at the RED BULL BARON. I can then tweet on the VERIZON 5G all chat during the ROCCAT REPLAY and STATE FARM analyst desk.
July 2021


League of Legends

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Doublelift's not even the best ADC on CLG

twitchquotes: Doublelift best ADC NA? Doublelift's not even the best ADC on CLG
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February 2015
Riot Games

League of Legends

Indian Zven

Jagjeevan "Zven" Shirishkumar is a LoL professional player playing for Chakla 9 (C9) in the Indian Sub-league. He currently works as a tea farmer in Mahasamund. He aspires to be an electrical engineer in Chennai.
August 2021

League of Legends

bestest tf

twitchquotes: Hello, my name is dongerino. I want to be the bestest TF just like OLDSCHOOL GG. I still work in banana factory as i m banana. I want to move to america land of FREEEEEDOM to live american dream. However i scared that best wukong reginald will eat me. Plz no copy dongerino my life story I got a dreamo al pacino stevo-o mike the situation sorrentino
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July 2014

League of Legends

CLG is fantastic

twitchquotes: CLG is fantastic, just needs to work on communication, map awareness, laning, vision control, csing, poking, landing skillshots, objective control, early game, mid game, late game, ganking, and getting kills.
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February 2020

League of Legends

Text-to-Speech Playing